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Making thousands of biosensors

We want to make the invisible more visible! The mission of Edinburgh's iGEM team is finding NEMO! Nanoscale elements such as micro/macromolecules and Oligonucleotides. Our aim is to produce a safe cheap fast and accurate biosensor.

We encourage you to find new solutions on how to accurately identify and assess micro/macromolecules and share the latter with the community. 

We know that prevention is the key to solve different problems that afflict our beatiful planet and we know that a biosensor, test kit or detecion system is only the first step towards a final solution to problems such as pollution and disesases

"Scientia est potentia"  knowledge is power and without knowing the root we are powerless.

Edinburgh's iGEM team is currently developing an oper biosensor template that can identify multiple targets at once.

So far, our template has been designed to be safe, cheap, fast, and accurate and we will share the fruits of our work after conducting the experiments in the lab in the meantime we reccomend you to make your designs and data open

Currenlty we are testing our design to tackle the SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation (Arsenic Lead and Mercury), but we know that it is also important to design biosensors to gather reliable data about elemts present in soil, air, food, living organisms and industrial products. 

Since we don't aim to make science for the sake of science we would also like to have open discussion about elements that go beyond the lab such as prevention strategies, education, inclusion, policies and regulations.

For related projects you can check:

JOGL Collaborative Biosensor Manual: https://app.jogl.io/project/391/BiosensorManualforiGEMteams

JOGL Great iGEM Biosensor Alliance : https://app.jogl.io/community/94/Biosensor

FB iGEM Biosensor group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/863081114215325

Additional information
  • Short Name: #Makingthousandsofbiosensors
  • Created on: September 17, 2020
  • Last update: September 25, 2020
Synthetic biology
Pollution prevention
Pollution control
+ 2
2Zero Hunger
3Good Health and Well-being
6Clean Water and Sanitation
9Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
11Sustainable Cities and Communities
12Responsible Consumption and Production
13Climate Action
14Life Below Water
15Life on Land
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