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Frugal biofoundries' implementation Hackathon banner


Frugal biofoundries' implementation Hackathon

Bioenthusiasts worldwide, unite! In this hackathon, organized in partnership with Just One Giant Lab (JOGL), each team will be the representation of a country, region or community that will be in charge of developing a proposal plan for the implementation of a frugal biofoundry for a specific purpose.

Hello, dear bioenthusiast! 👐


We’re Friendzymes. More than a community, we’re an idea. An idea of having everyone around the globe engineering organisms and solving local and global problems using biology as the main tool. This isn’t new. Actually, through the years this community is growing bigger and better every year with many organizations building essential foundations to turning to this point. From a pale star in MIT to a constellation of laboratories in academia and industry, we want more. We want to put the tools for bioengineering in the hands of normal people and home garages, not only for developed countries, but to fill every corner on Earth.


However, to make this idea possible, we have to give access to basic tools. So we want people around the globe to help us to create a non-centralized plan to build and use frugal biofoundries in different parts of the world. To do this, we created the Frugal biofoundries' implementation Hackathon. 

Each team will be in charge of developing a project plan for the implementation of a frugal biofoundry for a specific purpose. With the insight of different communities from around the world, we could plan how to make this real. The best project will have support for dialog with various stakeholders and specialist advice to help the project get off the ground!

We will meet on October 2nd and 3rd. For everyone's convenience, we’ll have three sessions each day:

Americas Session at 10 AM UTC-7 to 1 PM UTC-7 [Add to your calendar]

EuroAfrica Session - 10 AM GMT to 1 PM GMT [Add to your calendar]

Asia/Oceania Session - 10 AM IST to 1 PM IST [Add to your calendar]

All important info about the Hackathon is available here.

8Decent Work and Economic Growth
9Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
10Reduced Inequalities