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Covid Open Survey

Join a co-created survey on COVID-19 & its impact on health, well-being and socio-economics. Take the survey at https://www.opencovid.care


What we do.

The Covid Open survey questionnaire has been created for people who want to help fight the COVID-19 virus from the comfort of their home. It consists of a short questionnaire that takes about 20 minutes to complete the first time, followed by a much quicker daily check-in on how you are feeling. A wide variety of questions are asked, some of which can be answered daily, others that appear on a rolling basis, in order to keep the survey fresh!

Our goal? To better understand the virus’ transmission patterns and its effect on physical and mental health. We want to understand how the virus spreads, who it affects most, and how it impacts our daily lives. We hope this may guide decisions surrounding public health and medication re-purposing in the future.

Take the survey at https://www.opencovid.care

How we do it.

All data collected is anonymized and goes through the Open Humans platform. We also seek to promote citizen science and provide an opportunity for you to contribute to this research hypotheses that could be implemented in our fast-evolving survey.

Our inital research aims are as follows:

  • To collect comprehensive symptom reports with a high temporal resolution to better understand COVID-19 disease progression.
  • To measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health.
  • To identify effective agents to reduce COVID-19 disease severity
  • To characterize factors linked to increased susceptibility to COVID-19
  • To understand how a more participatory approach to survey research - that makes participants esearch partners - changes survey success.

Be part of the team.

When it comes to science, we believe in harnessing the ingenuity of all citizens. We want you to contribute your own survey items according to your research questions and interests. This will not only help us develop the study to cover the needs and interests of the cohort, but will also help us understand key questions and concerns that citizens outside of academia have regarding the pandemic.

How it works.

You will need to access the Open Humans forum, where we have created a dedicated section for your suggestions. Your participation in this forum cannot be linked to your answers in the Covid Open survey. You can also create and engage in topics of discussion directly on the forum and also vote for suggestions others have made!

What to tell us:

We want to add questions to the survey with an end-goal in mind. We therefore ask you to suggest:

  • A research hypothesis that you would like to test
  • A quick description of why you think your idea is worth exploring
  • The questions you would like to incorporate in the survey to test your hypothesis

How we review it.

Every fortnight, our team will go through your suggestions, and decide on a few to incorporate into our next iteration of the survey. We will then send the new set of questions to be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board, to make sure it doesn’t go against any legal or ethical regulations. Once we get the green light, we will code the new questions into the survey.

Additional information
  • Short Name: #covidopensurvey
  • Created on: August 6, 2020
  • Last update: August 9, 2020
Web development
Survey design
Survey participation
+ 1
3Good Health and Well-being